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What Makes Fight Club So Great

Yes, Fight Club. A movie about an insomniac who starts an underground fight club for the people like him that like to beat each other senselessly. Despite initially being a box office flop, Fight Club became a cult classic movie with many passionate fans after years. Besides its fabulous story, characters, or direction, Fight Club […]

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Baby Driver: At The Peak Of Swagger And Panache!

Yes, B-A-B-Y, Baby it is! That’s what a young driver and a music junkie, played by Ansel Eglort is called, or at least that’s what he prefers being called. Baby Driver plays out as a romantic musical disguised in car chase thrills. At first, Baby might seem like a boy-next-door until he gets behind the wheels and makes tracks through heavy mid-day traffic in a getaway car chase.

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