About Us

  • Author:
    Sassy Admin
  • Date:

Our Mission

Sassygamers.com is a community for under-represented gamers from various gaming minorities, such as LGBTQIA+, People of Color, 30+, and Disabled Gamers.

Our mission is to promote discussion about diversity in gaming and provide a voice for gaming minorities online. We have committed to donating 50% of any profits made to rotating charities each month.

Our Story

Hi! My name is Susan, and I started developing SassyGamers.com in June 2019 and we launched on March 1st, 2020, with just myself and one writer! We’ve since grown to a staff of nineteen international writers and we support one wonderful podcast.

So…why did I decide to do this?

I got into gaming in 2005, exactly one year after Everquest II was released. It was a new experience for me! My very first MMORPG. It started out pretty great until I joined my first raid guild and I was introduced to Ventrilo. Let me say that the friends I made there have followed me even now over 15 years later.

But the journey there was pretty rocky. It took five years for me to be considered ‘not just another drama llama girl gamer’ and I dealt with it and earned my place as a guild officer and then later, a guild leader with my friend Joey. I was even the Main Tank for several years! (Ask yourself why that feels so special. Should it be surprising? Because I’m a girl?)

I stopped gaming so much in 2013 when my little brother died and I had to reprioritize family over gaming. So I put my head down and worked/dealt with a lot of grief and real-life issues until 2019 when I started playing games online again. Most of my old guildmates had spread out, made families, and had different priorities.

So I had to make new friends. And suddenly…I was that ‘newb who didn’t know how to game’ again. Nearly eight years of solid gaming (You know, grinding for that gear!), and I was considered a newb because I didn’t know how to play League of Legends (Who the hell uses their mouse to move their character? Archaic…). I found myself getting mad because I felt like I was being talked down to. I mean…yeah. I was 37 years old but not new to gaming.

Communication is Everything

To be clear, the friends I made are NOT biased against girls or older gamers. This was just a communication disconnect that happens between old gamers and new gamers. But my first experience in gaming has stuck with me all these years. FIVE YEARS. There were times when I was so misunderstood that I cried. You have to really know me to understand that I don’t cry easily.

I don’t want anyone to feel like that. I don’t think my experience only happens to girls. I think it happens to anyone that doesn’t fit the l33t gamer mold.

So this place is for us. Come let your voice be heard.

Meet The Team

Susan Russell aka Sassy Admin (Any/All)
Owner/Senior Editor
Gender-Queer, socially inept carebear with sassy tendencies.
Website: https://sassyedits.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/susyq918
Twitter: @SusyQ918

Michael Baker aka TheThousandScar (He/Him)
Fantasy author, blogger of mystery things, Twitch streamer, owner of far too many video games. Freelance writer
Blog: thousandscarsblog.wordpress.com
Twitter: @Thethousandscar

BardRockCafe – Paul & Kenny (Team)
BardRockCafe – Podcast Episodes
We are the DND Real Play Podcast where magic goes wild! Find our newest episodes!
Website: https://linktr.ee/BardRockCafe
Twitter: @BardRockCafe

SassyGamers © 2019 - 2024