
  • Author:
    Sassy Admin
  • Date:


Looking for volunteers with an interest in gaming to help with SassyGamer’s revamp. I am looking for a variety of help in the following categories: Quality Assurance Testing, Social Media, Leadership, Creative Writing.

Our mission is to promote discussion about diversity in gaming and provide a voice for gaming minorities online. That mission has expressed itself in many ways over the last few years, but our commitment remains strong.

Average Hours Per Week

Anywhere from 1-5 hours per week, spent at your discretion. No one will be penalized for more time spent, but I’m looking for a minimum of 1-hour commitment per week. One hour of which may be the occasional group planning meeting on a day/time that we will all agree upon. If someone can’t make a meeting, it will be recorded and a link provided.

Responsibilities Vary By Subject:

  • Leadership – Interest in building a gaming community based on SassyGamers mission statement. Leadership volunteers will help brainstorm ideas in key areas that already have a foundation, but able to support the current Administrator and learn skills that you can apply in the future.
  • QA Testing– Testers will be added to our Jira task management software. On it will be pages that need tested with a helpful checklist on what to look for. Tasks will be added up until launch and many take only minutes to perform.
  • Social Media– Interest in monitoring social media for trends, communicating with users and game developers on multiple platforms in preparation for launch. This may involve some light graphic design on platforms such as Canva.
  • Creative Writing – The ability to think creatively and write short blurbs and descriptions for gaming elements. More creativity can be unlocked based on volunteer interest.
  • Professionals such as graphic designers are welcome, I just can’t pay your worth at this time. See more below regarding what and why.


This is what most people are looking for. Up until now, I have always paid for content submitted to SassyGamers. We launched right before COVID hit and even though I lost my job, I still made paying writers a priority.

It is not sustainable. This is my fault. I should have created a passion project with other people who shared my passion and instead, I tried to do it all alone and hire out to generate interest. I’ve met some wonderful people along the way and I hope to get to a place where I can pay everyone and still generate excess to donate to charities- since that was the original intention, but with the website revamp, our submission model is shifting even if the end goal is the same. I will explain more of that to interested volunteers, as it’s a big secret until it’s ready!

I am eager to provide goodie bags to volunteers that include SassyGamers merchandise. T-Shirts, Mugs, etc. I am also happy to provide project incentives at milestones, but it’s important to note for tax purposes that these items will not have a monetary value.

INTERNS: I will work with your college. If you have an internship due, make sure to get that paperwork to me once I confirm your interest. I have the basics started to address educational training that I will personalize to your requirements. If you need additional hours to get credit, that can be adjusted for you.
I’ve been in your shoes. If you can get a paying internship someplace, please do. Being paid for your time is important. That being said, if you are interested in volunteering anyway and could use the internship credits, I will run that gauntlet with you gladly.


  • Please be realistic on your expectations.
  • Be kind in all communication.
  • I will not tolerate drama.
  • If you are struggling and can’t continue volunteering or need a break, it’s okay! It’s volunteer work and I’m not here to judge you. We’ve all got stuff going on.
  • Please be genuinely interested in the project. I have dedicated the last 2 1/2 years of my life to this project and I’m not giving up on it now.

If you are still interested…

Email me at Admin [at] sassygamers.com or DM me on twitter at @gamersgotsass

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